Online waitlist hours and limit
Limit Mode :
include waitlist added by tablet & ipad: Closed
Show Ticket Number on webpage: No SaveAvailable Time to Join Google Waitlist
Minitable Waitlist App Settings (iPad)
Available Time to Join Waitlist
Self-service waitlist terminal setting
Upload cover image url
Image up to 5MB
You should re-login the status website when you change this image.
DeleteWaiting annoucement setting
Google annoucement setting
Google maximize party notice : No Invite message
(You can add ${customer_name} ${sname} ${invite_url} ${wait_code} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Call ahead message
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${call_ahead_time} ${invite_url} to your message text.)
No see remind message
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${table_name} ${invite_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Left remind message
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${table_name} ${invite_url} ${feedback_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Check in remind message
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${table_name} ${feedback_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Seat notification
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${table_name} ${feedback_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Short message after seat
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${table_name} ${feedback_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
Manual notification options display in the waitlist messages box
Remind message time setting
(You can add ${sname} ${customer_name} ${people_num} ${time} ${invite_url} ${u_mp} to your message text.)
One-way table ready message text setting
Two-way table ready message text setting
One-way table ready voice text setting(by call)
Two-way table ready voice text setting(by call)
Overtime message
(You can add ${sname} ${wait_code} ${people_num} ${invite_url} ${customer_name} ${u_mp} to your message text.)